Women supporting women will create global change.


Learn to facilitate Kundalini Yoga Women's Circles with Shakti School*

Join the 2023 Waitlist!

*Training Certified by Yoga Alliance

Woman's healing and abundance begins in circle. When we join forces and work together, we are unstoppable. 

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Get certified to lead women's circles today in your own living room or online.


So many of us worry that we are not creative enough and spend countless hours comparing ourselves to other women - whether online or IRL. We want to learn more about our ancestral lineage, the practices of the women who came before us, and how to step into our womanhood with confidence.

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is a lifestyle practice that delivers a person to their creative potential which fosters stability, confidence and radiance.

Women's Circles creates deep friendships with trust, creative partnerships, laughter, & sisterhood. If you are ready to explore leading circles using your own creative gifts, this is for you!

Harness your Creativity Using Kundalini Yoga

Stop playing hide-and-seek with your inspiration. Gain tools to initiate and sustain a reliable connection to your inner gifts and creativity. Let the Kundalini creative power rise and show you the way. Let your passions flourish.

New Friendships, Beginning with Yourself

Your relationship with your Self, your body, your cyclical rhythms rules. Through this journey, you access a deeper inner knowing and shift your patterns. Beyond envy & comparison lies the bold journey of true sisterhood. Authentic connection with other women is the anecdote to our loneliness, despair, and confusion.

Sustainable and Creative Prosperity

You have a unique gift that yearns to be tended to. The gift you carry in your essence is your Life Purpose. Rest easy at night knowing that financial abundance is available and present in your life. Heal your mindset and act on a real plan for your prosperous present & future.

In Kundalini Yoga Women's Circle Facilitator Training, you will learn how to...

  • Create & guide unique women’s circles in-person & online.
  • Share foundational Kundalini yoga and meditation teachings for women. 
  • Lead Pranayamas, Kriyas & Meditations with confidence and creativity.
  • Create a lifestyle around your daily spiritual practice to cultivate your own radiance and courage and empower other women.
  • Sing & share ancient circle songs and mantras for healing and expansion.
  • How to create financial abundance and prosperity sharing your circles in your community.

Join us this waitlist for first notification of registration + discounts!

I'm Ready!

Kundalini Yoga Women's Circle Training

Learn to facilitate Women’s Circles using the power of Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Women.

This powerful forty day healing immersion, certification, sisterhood connection, is your doorway into a new, more inspired life of service and connection with a higher purpose.


Included in Training:

  • SIX-WEEK DIGITAL EXPERIENCE: The full 6-week Online Shakti School Women's Circle Facilitator Training.
  • SELF PACED MODULE CLASSES: 6 x. Learn the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga and meditation for women and all the 6 module content.
  • LIVE WOMEN’S CIRCLES: 6x with Pauline giving you all the tools to start and grow your circles.
  • LIVE KUNDALINI YOGA CLASSES: 6 x Practice sessions with Pauline.
  • LIVE: 1 x Opening Circle & Self Initiation.
  • LIVE: 1 x Closing Circle Ceremony.
  • LIVE PRACTICUMS: 6 x Mentor-led circles: practice leading your own circle with a small group of women
  • RECORDED CLASSES: Module, Replay, Kriya, & Meditation practice video for your 40-day daily practice (Sadhana)
  • 6 MONTH ACCESS: To all recordings. (If life gets in the way, that’s OK!)
  • FACILITATOR MANUAL & WORKSHEETS: Put your teachings into use in real life. Use them to teach your own Women's Circle.
  • COMMUNITY CONNECTION: Unlimited Access to private online sharing workspace.

Here's what women have to say about training with Shakti School...

Shakti School program is one of the most powerful trainings I’ve ever done, allying wisdom and excellence. The program was so well structured and so profound, allowing women to reconnect with their womanhood often forgotten in this patriarchal era.

Thanks to this training, I found my authentic way and courage to share my gifts. Now, I am holding more and more circles while having a regular Kundalini practice, inspiration, and creativity.

If you are looking for inspiration and a 'shakti shot', this program is for you! It will support you in removing blockages that prevent you from being fully who you are as a Woman, following your passions, and learning how to navigate life polarities with love and wisdom. I feel full of gratitude to have joined this life-changing program.

- Bindu

I was looking to deepen my knowledge of the feminine practice and found so much more than I could have wished for!       

I received so much in-depth knowledge of the feminine teachings in Kundalini Yoga as well as have found an amazing support system on my path as a teacher, a community of like-minded sisters, and a teacher who truly and authentically embodies this path of the Aquarian woman!

As a result of this training, my personal sadhana has forever changed. I found a new balance between discipline and my intuitive connection to the cyclical needs of my body, which has allowed me to establish a non-negotiable but nourishing and grounding daily practice.

I am forever grateful for this gift✨🌺✨

- Samiru

In the past, I showed up for so many people and did NOT realize how much I neglected myself. This program has taught me the importance of nurturing/healing myself first and it’s given me the necessary tools to successfully accomplish this vital dedication toward my journey of healing.

I also met and have stayed connected with beautiful and inspiring women from all over the world. The community created in this training is a powerful foundation for women of all backgrounds.

Pauline shares with so much authenticity way and creates such a unique safe container for women. This journey is of utmost importance for any woman who wants to find their inner power and confidence to share their unique gifts. I highly recommend taking this training!

- Tasha

About Your Guide

Pauline Drossart is a musician, mother, &  internationally renowned Kundalini Yoga & Meditation teacher specializing in women's wellness in body, mind, and spirit.

Her story is a dynamic one, beginning with a healing journey through loss & addiction, and evolving into sisterhood, music, spirituality, yoga, prayer, love, & motherhood. These experiences led Pauline into deep appreciation for the feminine & yogic arts, which have become the center of her mission.

Pauline has devoted the last 20 years to healing through the study & practice of mystical Teachings, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, & Mantra. She is a certified Kundalini & Meditation Teacher and has studied with Yogic Masters, Shamans, and the Native people of the Chumash tribe.

Her passion is to support and educate women to come back into their personal power and create a collective destiny. She does this through her Shakti School workshops, training, and coaching centered around Kundalini Yoga & Women’s Circles.

When home, Pauline lives in Costa Rica with her beloved Akah and their ten year old daughter, Sahej Rose.

Listen to Pauline's music with Aykanna here!!

As a result of this training you will...

  • Start your Women's circles and be connected to your higher purpose to heal the Feminine.
  • Heal the ways that you have become disconnected in the Patriarchy and reclaim your own Divine Feminine Essence.
  • Break through the fears that are blocking you from becoming a courageous feminine leader.
  • Train yourself through a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga to become a radiant woman of consciousness.
  • Take action on your passions and ideas and share them in your women's circles.
  • Connect with your lineage to bring more healing into the past, present, and future.
  • Receive the gift of a beautiful empowered feminine community.
  •  Start and grow your circles and bring more abundance into your life.
Join the waitlist!

Praise for Shakti School Kundalini Women's Circle Facilitator Training from recognized women leaders...

“Pauline has in her own journey healed deeply with the teachings of Kundalini yoga, and her passion and drive are simple; to give other women that same opportunity. Her love of these sacred teachings is apparent and with courage, humor, and joy she does a brilliant job in sharing them.”

—Snatam Kaur, Musician & Teacher 

"Pauline shares powerful teachings that help illuminate the shadow and lead you to the light. You will remember your sacred right as an empowered woman, mother, sister, healer, and lover.” — Kia Miller, Yoga Teacher 

"Pauline shares powerful teachings that help illuminate the shadow and lead you to the light. You will remember your sacred right as an empowered woman, mother, sister, healer, and lover.”

— Kia Miller, Yoga Teacher

"To work with Pauline has the power to transform your life. Pauline is a woman of great grace and power. As a teacher, she brings wisdom and compassion, as a musician she elevates and transforms. "

— Carrie Ann Moss, Mother, Actress, Teacher


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